Metal 2019 is organised by the Haute Ecole Arc Conservation-restauration, Neuchâtel – HE-Arc CR. The institution is part of the University of Applied Science of Western Switzerland – HES-SO. Founded in 1997 it offers a bachelor in conservation and a master in conservation-restoration for either archaeological and ethnographic objects or scientific, technical and horological objects. The HE-Arc CR is a member of Encore (European Network for Conservation-restauration Education) and one of the four higher education institutions in Switzerland of the Swiss Conservation-Restoration Campus – Swiss CRC.
Furthermore HE-Arc CR research unit carries out applied research mainly in the field of metal conservation. Different aspects are covered from the scientific documentation and conservation state evaluation to the diagnosis and treatment, with a more recent interest in electrolytic and biomineralisation processes. There is also a particular interest in composite artefacts comprising metal components and associated organic materials, as well as in technical and scientific objects.
At HE-Arc CR, emphasis is put on the direct contribution of end users to research projects. As a result they often implement in their activities the outcomes of the projects in which they are involved and disseminate them in their professional community. We are also pleased of receiving end-user’s feedback (e.g. difficulties encountered when applying the results of the research, solutions found to solve them). We have as well an interest in evaluating the impact of research on training programs and how new developments in the field are perceived and/or used by students.
The organizing committee will propose this philosophy as part of the objectives of the Metal 2019 conference.