Please submit abstracts of 600 words or less for consideration. The work must be original and not previously published. Include the title, author’s name(s), professional title(s), affiliation(s), email address(es) and a biography of no more than 300 words. In the case of multiple authors please list all authors, professional titles, affiliations and include an email address for each author, indicating the corresponding author.
For submissions to the Young Conservation Professionals session, please indicate that you are submitting a paper to this session by including the letters YCP before the title of your abstract. For example, “YCP Conservation of Aluminum Trojan Horses”.
Deadline for submissions: March 31, 2018
Due to the success and popularity of the Paper-flow online submissions platform used for the first time for Metal 2016, we are using the same system for abstract and paper submissions for Metal 2019 ( The platform will be live and ready to accept your abstract from February 1, 2018.
Abstract submission is now closed.
Please submit abstracts of 400 words or less for consideration. Include the title, author’s name(s), professional titles, affiliations, and a bio of no more than 250 words. In the case of multiple authors please list all authors and include an email address for each author, clearly indicating the corresponding author. Only one submission by the same primary author will be considered.
Deadline for submissions: September 1, 2018
All abstracts are submitted via the Metal 2019 online platform. Go to where you will find a link to the submission platform. Authors must first create an account (including a biography), log in and submit the abstract. Confirmation is sent immediately upon submission.
Abstract submission is now closed.